How to Sell a Used Tractor
How to make your tractor auction the best it can be
Looking to sell farm equipment that you no longer need? You may want to upgrade your equipment, or are retiring and are looking to liquidate your collection of machinery. Regardless of the reason you want to sell, you will want to make sure that your sale brings in the most money possible. You deserve to receive the full value of your assets and that is the goal that we strive for here at Rangerbid.com! One of the most important pieces of equipment that you will most likely be selling is your tractor. Tractors are some of the most valuable pieces of farm equipment, and are sure to fetch a great price, but you want to make sure that you do everything you can to make your auction the best that it can be.
The best way to sell a tractor:
Clean it up
First things first you want to do everything you can to make your tractor look as nice as possible. Most likely your equipment is a little dirty. After all, you use it out in the fields and around your property, hauling hay and other equipment day in and day out. There is bound to be some dirt. You will want to deep clean your tractor in order to show the true beauty and value that is hidden underneath. Buyers will be much more interested and will place a higher value on a tractor that is clean compared to one covered in dirt. The appearance of a tractor indicates a lot of the value and will also show how well you have taken care of your equipment. You wouldn’t want to buy a dirty tractor, so your buyers won’t want to either.

Provide Maintenance Records
Hopefully you have been keeping track of your maintenance schedule, recording when you have had someone out to look at your tractor or have taken it to the shop. These records show potential buyers that the tractor is well cared for, and they can trust the working condition as well as the future life span of the equipment. If you haven’t been doing this, keep track of it moving forward so that you have something to show potential buyers the next time you are trying to sell your tractor. Additionally, you can describe the past use of your tractor so that buyers know what wear and tear they should expect. You can also note how it was stored and weatherized – bidders will be a lot happier knowing that your tractor has been sitting in a nice covered barn as opposed to out in the elements.
Keep Any Manuals
Like the maintenance records, this might be a better tip for the next time you sell a tractor. If you have held onto any guides, manuals or maintenance suggestions that came from the manufacturer, include them in the sale. You can feature them in the photos for the lot as well as list any pertinent details in the descriptions. If your tractor is antique, this will only add to the credibility, and if not, it’s still valuable information that a buyer would want.
Make Repairs
You’ve probably heard of homeowners painting or repairing minor things around their house before heading into the market. Updating small things around a home and boasting new fixtures can help increase the selling price by much more than the owner would have paid for the upgrades. You can do the same thing with your equipment! Know of any small repairs that you can quickly do yourself? While you might not want to, fixing a few things here and there not only shows buyers that you care about your machine, but it also lets buyers know that they won’t have to make these changes themselves. Presenting the best version of your tractor is your goal throughout the whole process.
Sell Other Parts
Do you have additional equipment that attached to your tractor you will no longer need? Consider selling it with your tractor as a bundle! From plows and seeders to balers and wagons, you probably have a wide variety of attachments that biddera would be interested in. These extras will up your selling price and will provide additional value for your potential buyers.
We hope that these tips will help you increase the sale of your tractor. We want to help you get the best value for your tractor. If you are interested in selling your tractor through one of our auctions, or if you have any other questions about selling your farm machinery, contact us here!